Laudato Si’ Action Platform Reflection – Ecological Conversion

Ecological Conversion

[Ecological conversion]…entails a loving awareness that we are not disconnected from
the rest of creatures, but joined in a splendid universal communion. As believers we do not look at the world from without, but from within, conscious of the bonds with which the [Creator] has linked us to all beings.                                                  Laudato Si’ §220

Without doubt, the work of creation is the revelation of God’s love for those who have been drawn out of nothingness and made in the divine image
.    Gailhac – 22 September 1887

Ecological conversion is to return to God; it is to return to dust and ashes, as creatures in communion with the wonders and terrifying powers of creation…Ecological conversion has the potential to create a holistic economy…in which citizens become caretakers, profoundly attuned to the integrity of creation and the well-being of all people.                             Doug de Meo         

How would I define “ecological conversion”?  What passages from Scripture come to mind as I reflect on these three readings?  What concrete action can I take today to demonstrate my commitment to care for our Common Home?

Prayer:   Loving God, as RSHM, we recognize the interconnectedness of all creation, and want to proclaim “fullness of life for all” through our relationships with one another, all peoples, and our Earth.  May we reveal your loving tenderness as we respond to the urgent cries of our beautiful, yet broken, Common Home.  Amen.